Vilcabamba Amigos de Animales

Helping Animals in Crisis and Animal Families in Need

We are a small team of dedicated individuals committed to rescuing, caring for, and finding loving homes for animals that have been abandoned, abused or are being surrendered, as well as supporting families in need with the costs of important Veterinary care.

We work with local Veterinarians in this effort, and we all need your support. Helping animals also helps people, and contributes to a healthier and happier community!

Please consider donating, volunteering, fostering, and most importantly, ADOPTING!!!

Your generous donations support:

Rescue, Transport, Fostering

General Veterinary Care

Exams, Spay & Neuter,

Medications, X-rays, Various Treatments

Food, Supplies, Outreach

Donation Box Locations in Vilcabamba:

Saturday Market; La Baguette; UFO; Friday Vet Clinic, Gao Vet Clinic

Please consider becoming an ongoing Donor!

This financial commitment is vital to a successful, ongoing effort.

When an animal is rescued, immediate Veterinary care is so often required, and payment is due at the time of service. Many of our rescues are in extremely poor condition, needing medications and supplies to support their healing process. When the animal is healthy and age appropriate, we support spay/neuter, all to prepare our rescues for adoption. An ongoing supply of food is essential. In cases of neglect and abuse, we negotiate with the owners to surrender the animal(s) with something they need such as a bag of groceries.

Often, families in need refrain from bringing their animals to be spayed or neutered because of the cost. Amigos de Animales steps in to support this vital population control method. Being able to help with costs of other healthcare treatments such as injuries, parasites, infections, diseases, also supports a healthier overall community.

The dog to the right was a rescue in extremely bad shape, we scrambled all day to raise the money for the Vet, medications bill over $70.00, a bag of food, and to find a foster home. It was a successful effort, but this should never be such a tremendous and regularly occuring difficulty!

Please contact us for making regular or larger donations.                                


Please be sure to visit and scroll down through our Blogs for a wide variety of informational posts!

"Compassion, in which all ethics must take root, can only attain its full breadth and depth if it embraces all living creatures and does not limit itself to mankind."

--Albert Schweitzer

silhouette photo of six persons on top of mountain
silhouette photo of six persons on top of mountain